
Prevent Vulnerability

Don’t be another statistic for data breaches. We prepare your systems and staff against the latest threats and attacks.

Cyber Essentials

This accreditation ensures you have implemented policies, procedures and systems to boost security and help prevent against the latest threats. As a bonus, it shows publically you care about your security, and you have a recommended level of protection for your businesses IT. Whether to a commercial, or public sector organisation. Which sometimes can require when under contract bidding or insurance purposes.

Get Accredited

We don’t pick a number out the air to help protect you. We’re upfront on our prices. Simple.

IASME Cyber Essentials Standard

£1,200 per site
  • Annual Certification
  • Certifiation Included
  • 1 Day of Remediation
  • Policy Writing Assistance
  • External Security Scan
Get certified

IASME Cyber Essentials Plus

£2500 per site
  • Annual Certification
  • Includes CE Certificate
  • Mobile Device Review
  • Web and E-mail Test
  • External Security Scan
Get certified

Ad-hoc Penetration Testing

£1,000 per day
  • Web Application Test
  • Local IT Test
  • Mobile App Test
  • Wireless Test
  • VoIP Test
Get secure


You can’t always rely on a standard anti-virus to protect you against the new types of attacks like ransomware as they base any attack on pre-determined virus signatures. Which will likely miss the latest type of threats. That’s why we provide the most advanced anti-virus solutions on the market using artificial intellegence to make sure you’re covered in almost every situation.


Your staff are the first line of defence against external threats like dodgy e-mail attachments. But what do they know what to look out for. Train your staff to prevent any successful attacks with our interactive training services covering general cyber security to GDPR and Cyber Essentials certification topics.

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